CR02-22-000805 | State of Idaho Plaintiff, vs Dylan Clagg Defendant.
Case Number CR02-22-000805
Court Adams County Magistrate Court
Judicial Officer Clerk, Magistrate Court
File Date 11/07/2022
Case Type Infraction
Case Status Closed
State State of Idaho
Active Attorneys
Defendant Clagg, Dylan
DOB XX/XX/1987
11/29/2022 Disposition
11/07/2022 New Case - Infraction
11/07/2022 Criminal Complaint
11/07/2022 Summons Issued (Infraction)
11/07/2022 Motion
11/07/2022 Order Appointing Special Prosecutor
11/29/2022 Another Summons Issued
11/29/2022 Case Final Judgment Entered
12/15/2022 Court Trial
Judicial Officer Meienhofer, John
Hearing Time 9:00 AM
Cancel Reason Vacated